I think about this topic a lot. I think about it when I watched 'The People vs. Larry Flynt.' I think about it when I listen to Eminem. I think about it when I'm watching Amy Shumer or Sarah Silverman. They all address social taboos and controversial topics such as racism, sexism, and religion. Personally, I like that. It makes you think. It makes you more open-minded. It helps you accept people that might be different than you.
I think about it when I'm trying to decide if I should really call my fold-form rings 'Dangerous Vaginas. I probably censor myself more than I would really like to. I don't want to say whatever I want, whenever I want, in front of whoever I want. But I do want to say what I want , somewhere, and in front of someone.
I think people should be able to express themselves. I prefer it when it is meaningful. But I don't think that should be a criteria for it. Just my personal preference. Although, I can also appreciate it , when it's not meaningful.
It's also that 'objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient' is pretty subjective. Who is deciding that? As an adult, I feel that I can decide that for myself.
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