What New Year's Resolutions have you made for this year? Which ones did you make last year that were successful? Do you have any advice for keeping resolutions throughout the year?
I guess I resolved last year to participate in the Brooch A Day (BAD) group. Looking back to see how many I made, I was actually surprised to see that I made 107. In my memory, it felt like I had only made about 10. I just couldn't keep up with it this time. |
I also resolved to quit eating sugar. Actually, I resolved to cut back on sugar. When I told that to a friend of mine, she said you can't do that, you're addicted to sugar, you shouldn't eat it at all. She was right, so I opted to cut it out completely and I did. Hmmm, seems like I started eating sugar again in June, about the same time I stopped making brooches... Seems like you could say eating sugar reduces productivity. |
I'm back to not eating any sugar, blogging regularly, and working more consistently.
Ok, I'm just going to say it, one of my resolutions is to beat all the levels in Candy Crush, while at the same time cutting back on playing the game.
My biggest problem in achieving these goals is I am easily distracted. I had to go on FaceBook to get a link that I wanted for this blog, took me about a half an hour. I started looking at everyone's posts and ended up watching 3 videos... they were good ones, but still... During that process, I looked up a few times with a blank feeling on my face thinking 'what was I looking for?' That is also tied in with procrastination, after all they both end with the same 4 letters (procrastination - distraction). Here is a really good blog on the 'Procrastination Monkey.' I swear they followed me around one day and took notes. |
So, I think that my biggest resolution for this year will be to figure out ways to get past that initial impulse that keeps me from doing anything, to try to remember that it exists and that if I can wait a few minutes before acting on it, it will pass.
See what other Etsy Metal Members have resolved to do this year!!
Laura Jane Bouton
Abella Blue